The sentient energy-core and some guy called Severin

  • Setting: futuristic world where the planet depends on a sentient god-like ball of energy to provide… energy for the planet to survive. It can be considered as the ‘heart’/’core’ of the planet.
  • Monsters roam the planet to feed on morsels of energy leaked by the heart. Their origins are unknown (or are they not?!)
  • Protagonist (let’s call him… Severin :)) once lost his heart in an accident with the monsters.
  • Severin was saved when doctors extracted a core of energy from the sentient planet-heart and replaced his heart with it. He was chosen as the first group of patients to receive this experimental method of survival – provided that the sentient planet-heart allowed for it.
  • A ritual was conducted with the sentient planet-heart – it would decide who in that group of patients it deemed worthy to live and keep its energy forever. If not, it would incinerate the patient’s heart and retrieve its energy.
  • On the day of the ritual, Severin watched as all the friends he made in the ward collapse one by one. He is filled with resentment towards the sentient planet-heart, that he has to depend on that artificial thing to survive, and questions what makes it worthy to judge if a human should live or die.
  • The sentient planet-heart sensed his thoughts and is amused. Severin nearly collapses, but refuses to yield his heart back – he has someone waiting for him back home. The sentient planet-heart is amused once more by his will and determination to defy it and live. It is intrigued by the human heart. Severin enters a mental struggle with it, and they make a deal.
  • In condition for letting Severin keep his heart, he has to agree to let the sentient planet-heart take over his body for a period of time to do what it likes. It agrees to learn more about humans and the lives it provides for through the body of Severin.
  • Thus Severin’s alternate ego is born – Sylus.
  • Sylus is unhinged, a bit psychotic, lacks empathy, is problematic, but never oversteps his boundaries – he never severely hurts or harms another person, as agreed with Severin.
  • In Severin’s body, Sylus begins to experience human emotions and starts feeling some form of attraction to this badass lady he met at a shady joint.
  • In Severin’s body, Sylus’s main body is weakened for that period of time, and easily susceptible to threats as its barriers are lowered, and because of his carelessness and pride, a group of cultists/radicals break into area where Sylus’s main body is stored, and try to destroy it.
  • Sylus senses the danger and tries to return, but is unable to and rushes to the scene himself, only to find that his main body was indeed destroyed. The government and organisations are in panic mode – their means of energy and survival is completely gone, and the planet will die within 10 years if no replacement is found. (or a century?)
  • Sylus is furious, and very disoriented. He is the only source of energy left on the planet, weak and bound to a human body as a heart. He has no choice but to remain in Severin’s heart until he finds a replacement body or core. Angrily, he takes it out on Severin and attempts to wrestle complete control of his body and mind.
  • Severin refuses, and they enter into a scuffle. Severin states that he’d rather die than let a emotionless ball of energy abuse his body, and rips the core right out his chest.

It was at that moment when Ren rounded the corner and saw Severin fall to his knees. Their eyes briefly met, before Severin collapsed to the ground, eyes still open, staring at nothing.

Ren rushed towards Severin and scooped him up in his arms, trying to take in what happened. The energy core heart lay on the ground, still sparking sadly.

No, no no… Ren cupped Severin’s unconscious face and brought it to his, but all he felt in return were a pair of cold lips, and soulless eyes looking back at him. Ren scrambled to pick the energy core off the ground and tried to shove it back into his chest, but it did not seem to be reacting. He needed to find a doctor. Or someone who could patch it back in an emergency. Yet it was in the middle of the night, in a park no one visited.

“You promised…” Ren sobbed. “You would not die before you found yourself a new heart. To never leave me alone again.” No matter how hard he hugged Severin’s lifeless body, he would not come back. Not a single beat could be heard from his chest, not a single breath could be felt from his mouth, it was just like that night a year ago. Just that instead of the rain beating down on his body, it was tears which fell in a steady stream down Ren’s face.

“…you lied again.”

Ah… what a fucking waste.

Sylus’s world returned to a floating mass of darkness and matter once more.

If it had to end like this, he would have liked to spend one last night sharing a cigarette with Red outside The Beady Bar. To have a whiff of her midnight perfume, or to caress the soft curls of her ever-changing coloured hair. He wondered if she ever did find out who the asshole was who broke into her flat the other night and stole her underwear. Or if she managed to make the payment for last month’s rent. Or if she was eating right. Or if mustered up the courage to give her sister a call.

To think that the last and only thing he could think of was her. Millions and millions of years of existence, and all he could think of was her.

“Severin, you fucking prick. Give me back my body.”

“Not in a million fucking years, asshole.”

There, floating right beside him, was Severin himself.

“I promised never to leave Ren alone. Look what you did.”

“I did nothing. You were the one who ripped out your own heart.”

Severin scoffed. “So I should just give you my body then?”

“Of course. I keep you alive. I have a right to claim it.”

“Bullshit. Without my body, you never would have met Red. You would have been stuck in that stupid ball, locked up behind layers and layers of protection with no interaction with the outside world except with those who want to use your energy.”

Sylus suddenly felt angry. “If you hadn’t made that deal with me, if you hadn’t let me meet Red, none of this would have happened. Your planet would still be surviving centuries from now, and I would have been content in that prison!”

“Quit sulking, you sound like Ren’s younger sister. You could have just left me alone with your energy core.”

Sylus could not argue back. He knew how childish he sounded, for an entity meant to be treated as a god by a planet. Now they were dying.


This sprung from a dream I had some nights ago! The context was literally just: Severin had an artifical heart granted to him by a giant sentient energy source which also happened to power a dying planet. I can’t lie this was partly inspired by Xavier’s myth from Love and Deepspace, and it somehow permeated my dream lol.

Sylvester getting beat up for the nth time

There once roamed a peaceful dragon within the misty forests of the South. He was often seen swimming in the lake, and other times basking in the sun by the bank.

He fiercely protected his pearl which was nestled in this throat – directly underneath his slender jaw.

A dragon’s pearl was unique to its holder, one of its own kind in every way. It held a dragon’s authority, his form and essence, and was the crux of his power which allowed him to control his domain and element – in this case, water. Without it, the dragon will cease to be, and left in its place will be a weak human – a shadow of what he once was. The horns and tail would be all that was left of the dragon’s pride.

And that was exactly what happened to the dragon of the South. By the hand of a fallen angel, his pearl was wrenched from his throat forcefully. As he began to lose his form, his claws turning to fingernails and fangs receding up his Jaw, he clawed and scratched at his throat, roaring and howling in pain.

Blood stained his fingernails and tears streamed down his face, leaving behind scars on his throat that never faded.

That night, he lay on the cold forest floor, hugging his tail as he drifted to sleep, the tears already drying on his face. And he swore for revenge. He would find that fallen angel and get his pearl back. Without it, he felt like a huge chunk of his soul was missing, torn from him, leaving behind a gaping, black hole which left him feeling empty and helpless.

But over the next few weeks, that hole slowly filled with a viscous, sticky urge for vengeance. He pulled himself together as he grew accustomed to his human body – he still had some albeit weak command of water, and he picked up a spear to defend himself with should need arise.

Months, years, centuries passed, yet there was no sign of an angel, let alone a fallen one. The bright flame of revenge in his heart had soon reduced to embers.

The dragon, who now named himself Sylvester, found himself a home in the capital of the North – Wyan – where he worked as an alchemist in a shop.

He always wore a scarf round his neck to avoid any questions, and wore a ring which glamoured his horns and tail away to blend in with the humans.

Sylvester had earned himself a fairly good reputation as an alchemist in Wyan, and was a model citizen indeed. He held no grudge towards the humans and never did – in fact he rather admired their tenacity and willpower to survive despite their weak bodies. He of all people understood it. Hunger and fatigue washed over him like a flood during his first days as a human. He once resented it but now came to appreciate the finer things of cooking, leading to his specialisation as an alchemist.



This is what you call an indulgent fic lol.

The Misty Village

Deep within the forest exists a village shrouded in Mist. No one knows what causes the mist or why it never goes away – some fear the use of magic while others cite the ominous geographical location. It was said that the village was built upon the remains of a dead god, thus causing an eternal mist and those who wander too long within it to go mad.

However, this village is protected within the mist by a strange ritual. Every month during the full moon, the women of the village hike up to the summit of the mountain, where they will perform a magical ritual of sorts. The procession will be led by the Grand Sorceress and her three pillars.

Meanwhile, the men stay back in the village and prepare for their wives, mothers, sisters and daughters to return the following morning. When dawn arrives, the procession will emerge through the mist, where the men will welcome them back with a feast, celebrating another month of peace.

No one knows what happens during the ritual. The women are sworn to secrecy as part of the rites, and the men are taught not to question. The most common explanation would be that they are protected by the moon through the souls of the women, and that the ritual was necessary to protect them from the mist and lingering effects of the dead God’s remains.

This has turned the village into a sort of local tale, where explorers and adventures gather in dim taverns, listening with eager eyes. Eventually when they gather the courage to go, they will find out that aside from the ritual, it is just a normal village and leave disappointed.

But one day, a fellow adventurer visited the village and discovered a dark secret…



So I wrote this from a prompt I found somewhere I can’t remember but that was as far as I got bc I didn’t have enough creative juices to think up what the goddamn secret was LOL.

The Dragon Shifter and the Pirate

For a long time, there was nothing. Just a drifting sensation that seemed to last an eternity, but time was never perceived, not in that realm.

Until one moment, a dull speck of light seemed to shine through all the nothingness, piercing through its everflowing currents.

Water began to gush about, and suddenly it was everywhere. A hand emerged from the water, together with it the very first breath of Sylvester.

Coughing and spluttering, he thrashed his way to the nearest dry surface and lay there for a bit. As he looked up into the sky, he saw the moon staring back at him. Big, round, large, and impossibly bright against the dark backdrop of stars.

Thus began the life of Sylvester, the dragon shifter.

He felt just as comfortable in his human form as he was in dragon form, and often enjoyed soaring through the skies just as much as jumping into small puddles of water in the forest. He enjoyed fishing the most, while other times he would nab a stray sheep who had wandered a little too far from its flock. But nothing could satiate his desires more so than shiny things. He was a dragon, of course he had to own shiny things!

He knew the humans in the nearby village had lots of shiny things, so he made his way there, determined to blend in and take as many as possible.

Upon arriving, the humans took notice of him as a wandering orphan, abandoned in the forest and forced to grow up in the wild. They were kind and ever so loving, giving him all the care that he had never experienced before. He grew to love them and the life they gave him there. He made friends, played with them, ate with them, and was loved.

But he wanted his shiny things. And the village was poor. They had very little of it, and he felt terrible. He steeled himself and told himself he’d take them for himself just for a day or two, and then put it back. No one gets hurt, and no one will know. He found himself a little den in the forest and began taking small shiny things from the village, such as necklaces, rings, and some particularly fancy cutlery.

For the first few weeks, no one noticed as he would always return them the next day. But as weeks turned to months, his courage grew, and so did his greed. He started stashing his treasure for weeks, and people started to notice. When one was poor, one would certainly notice the one shiny thing in their house go missing, especially for weeks.

The day came when an investigating party discovered the den, together with Sylvester in it. Caught red handed, he had no choice but to explain himself. After spending over a year living with them as if they were a family, he sought their understanding. They surely would. They loved him. So he shifted in front of them, with all the hope in his heart that they would accept him.

But he saw fear cloud their eyes, and without a second thought, their weapons were brandished. He tried to talk, to explain, but it was like they had never known him in their life. The betrayal, the switch in their perception of him occurred so instantly, Sylvester understood then that fear was something everyone had of the unknown. And he was that unknown. He could never truly assimilate with them, and that the past year was simply a dream projected by his wanting to belong.

Using their torches, the humans set fire to the surroundings of his den, trapping him in together with his treasure hoard, leaving him to die.

But what they didn’t know, was that dragons could not die by fire. And so he watched them leave through the flames, never turning back.

Sylvester had not known how much time passed. He was never really good at perceiving it. But it was long enough for him to have grown a considerable bit, for him to have understood human society much more. He still pleasured in his daily life as a human, eating, drinking, socialising, but he never showed his true self to anyone again.

He spent his dragon days simply flying high above the clouds to prevent being spotted or hunted, and had acquired himself a new den of treasure which he stole as a human.

All was good. All was content.

One day, as he was soaring over a forest, he spotted something glittering by the river bank. Immediately, he swooped down towards it and grasped it in his claws as he sped back to his den.

There, he deposited it on his treasure hoard, before hearing a loud yell. He turned to find that the shiny thing he had just picked up was a human! He was wearing lots of accessories which clinked whenever he walked, which made sense. Completely flabbergasted, he searched his mind for ways to return the human without creating much of a fuss, but it seemed like the human was simply terrified as he stood there, arms trembling as he brandished a pair of cutlases.

“L-let me go and I won’t tell a word of your treasure!” the human sputtered.

Perfect! …if only. Sylvester had been around long enough to develop a cynical nature of human words. They often go back on them. It was so easy to them, which baffled Sylvester sometimes.

_How do I know I can trust your word?_

“I- woah! You’re talking into my head!” the human stifled a gasp. “I swear – I give you my pirate’s word,” he held up two fingers together. “And in case you’re wondering, a pirate’s promise is nothing to mess around with.”

Sylvester had heard of pirates. They sail the seas and raid other ships of their treasure. So this human enjoyed shiny things too. But what was a pirate doing so far inland away from the sea?

_In that case, leave behind your shiniest treasure and you may leave._

“That seems hardly fair?” The human pouted. “I’m promising not to expose your hoard in exchange for my freedom, and now you want my treasure! You’re a greedy dragon!”

Somehow, the talk of treasure had drained up most of the fear from the human’s face, which mildly amused Sylvester. He understood that feeling.

He leaned closer to the human, and immediately the human tensed up, suddenly remembering that he could be charred alive in seconds. “Okay, okay… fine.” He sighed as he took off one off one of his necklaces. It was a gold chain with several teeth hanging off it – presumably some marine predator as the teeth were long and sharp. They clanked loudly as he placed it on the treasure mound he was currently on.

_That’s not shiny enough._

“Oh come on! I went through hell to get that necklace, you know.” He grumbled as he picked it up and unhooked a something from his arm. It was a golden brace with elaborate swirling patterns carved on it. It looked more decorative than functional. “This is a cheap one but it’s the shiniest thing I’ve got.”

Sylvester leaned over to inspect the brace, but he wasn’t impressed. He scanned the human once more, taking in his features properly. He had silvery windswept hair going in all directions, with a long fringe that settled over the right half of his face, giving him a mysterious yet mischievous look. He had a braid on the other half, held together by a simple hair tie with feathers dangling from it. He had an eyepatch over his left eye and a cheeky smile. Two big golden hoop earrings dangled from his ears and his neck and wrists were covered with clinking accessories and trinkets. Sylvester wondered if people heard him approach before they even got to see him.

But what caught his eye was the feather hair tie. It was not shiny, but he felt himself drawn towards it.

_Give me that hair tie_.

Immediately, the human held the hair tie protectively as his casual smile faded into worry. He forced a smile this time. “What? That’s not even shiny!” his voice shook a little, and Sylvester could tell that he treasured the hair tie the most.

Feeling a little mean, he gave up and settled for the brace.

Right before the human left, he said, “what’s your name, by the way? I’m Sebastian.”

Sylvester was taken aback. It had been so long since someone had asked for his name, especially in dragon form.

_… Sylvester._

“Nice to meet you, Sylvester the dragon. My name is Sebastian. Thanks for not eating me. Nice hoard you’ve got there. Farewell!” With a wave, Sebastian left.

Sylvester felt a dull ache in his heart which he had not felt for many, many years. Sure, he’d spoken with and engaged with humans many times over the years. But it all felt fake – because he met them as Sylvester the human. Sylvester the dragon was a first for him, and Sebastian’s unnatural ease around him had awoken a deep desire within him that he’d buried for ages.

He wanted to see him again.

Shifting into his human form, he began his search.

~ Summary ~

Eventually, Sebastian discovered Sylvester’s nature as a dragon shifter and accepted him. They became the best of friends, the closets of brothers, and fiercely protected each other, trusting each other with their lives.

One day, Sebastian was captured by the coast guard and prosecuted for his crimes as a pirate and Sylvester tried to save him. This lead to him being exposed as a dragon shifter, turning the entire city into a witchunt for Sylvester. Eventually, they found him and killed(?) him. Sebastian was devastated, as he’d never found a friend in anyone else like he’d seen in Sylvester. Frustrated by his powerlessness, he broke out of prison and sought out sorcery to bring his friend back.

Bringing back the dead was obviously taboo, but Sebastian was not in his right mind. He managed to bring Syl back at great cost – Seb himself was to be trapped eternally in the form of a pearl. Since that day, Syl fiercely guarded the pearl with his life, hoping that one day he’d be able break the curse and bring Seb back.



Uhmmmm. I wrote that summary on a whim bc I love dabbling in crazy ppl bringing loved ones back to life and all that HAHA but now I’m rereading it and cringing, but that’s what this blog is all about! As always, completely unedited drafty thing.

Alsiel lore

“They say that a fallen angel is just 1 step away from becoming a demon. Want to test that?”

There once was an archangel named Alsiel. Like the rest of his colleagues, he diligently carried out his duties for his boss without question. He’s created as many civilisations as he’s destroyed, conducted mass extinction events for several species upon order and created life when there was none.

He’d lived a long time, and over that time, his mind began to wander. He began to question the orders he was given, and asking questions is dangerous. No one asked questions. Well since no one asked, why couldn’t he be the first?

Soon, his behaviour was beginning to invoke suspicion amongst his high ups, and he was secretly put on observation.

Meanwhile, an order came down for Alsiel – to destroy the entire species of dragons on earth. He’d done this before, many many times. But that day, he suddenly thought – why? Why must these peaceful-loving, clever creatures just disappear forever?

He didn’t have any particular bias for the dragons. He simply thought. And that thought made all the difference.

He carried out the order still – but left behind a gift to the last surviving 4 dragons on earth. A gift of preservation. He granted them human bodies to preserve their species, weak as they were, but still held the dignity and qualities of a noble dragon – the Avon.

This was the last straw. More disappointed that furious, Alsiel’s boss stripped him of his wings, divinity and authority of an archangel, and tossed him down to the earth below. He fell for what felt like days, and landed in a barren forest blanketed by snow. There he lay for another few days until he was recovered enough to emerge from the snow, his back crusted with dried blood where stubs of his wings jutted out.

He was branded a fallen angel. He fell so hard, he was unable to cope with the reality he had been dealt with. The agony and disgrace he felt was unbearable to his mind – which had been appropriately “downsized” as well. As a consequence, he went insane.

At first he spent weeks just staring up at the sky, unfeeling, unspeaking. Then he started stumbling into human settlements where they assumed him a rambling madman. His mind was like a big puzzle that had been all jumbled up when he fell, the pieces all jammed up in the wrong places and forced to fit into the mold anyway. He spent the next few years trying to piece back together the puzzle in his mind, through attempting to assimilate himself into human society.

He managed to some extent pass off as a slightly unhinged human after several years of progress. Sometimes he would fall back into bouts of madness, random morbid thoughts and strange fascinations of violence, but he was largely harmless, despite still having some of his power left behind as an angel.

One day, during one of his usual staring sessions at the sky, a woman came to sit beside him. He was sat at the port of a village, where he enjoyed the ambient noises of the hustle and bustle of fishermen and seagulls, while enjoying the cloudless sky. The woman said that she noticed him coming back here every once in a while to stare at the sky and was curious about what he found so fascinating about it. He simply told her that he envied the sky. On a day as clear as this, the blue sky looked like a blank canvas that could be written on anytime, and he wished that he too could turn himself into a blank canvas and rewrite his life.

And she replied, “I get ya. Sometimes I feel like my mind is like a puzzle with all the pieces shoved in the wrong places. Nothing fits. It would be so easy to return it to a blank canvas too. But then what’s the point of living if life were that easy?”

It was the first time someone had listened to him properly, taken his musings seriously and given him such a response.

Alsiel was shocked, so say the least. The more time they spent together, the more she somehow managed to slowly piece the puzzle of his mind back together. But in some kind of twisted fate, she started to grow mad instead. As if he fed on her sanity to fix him. Like a curse. He never noticed. He was in love with her, how could he? The happy times they spent together were few and far between. The little pockets of happiness they shared together were memories he treasured and cherished more than anything. He had never experienced such a thing before in his life. As an angel, he thought he understood love, but as a fallen, he realised that it was so much more. And by the time he realised it, the last few remaining pieces of the puzzle left, she was almost fully insane.

He came home one day to see her hanging from the ceiling, and the final piece clicked right into place.

By then Alsiel was no longer mad. But it was too late. They say that a fallen angel is one step away from turning into a demon. Just like that, his anguish, Despair and sorrow burst out from the completed puzzle piece, as if it were a dam that just exploded. Letting out the most primal, gut-wrenching scream he could muster, he swallowed himself in darkness, eventually bursting out no longer as a fallen angel, but a demon, fully formed. Leathery wings sprouted from where his angel wings used to be, and a pair of horns twisted out from the sides of his head. His hair turned fully black and his claws and fangs grew. He was no longer Alsiel, but someone else completely different – Alseis. Yet, his eyes remained the same colour – a bright orange, like the colour of the sky at sunset, his favourite time of the day.

As a demon, he was meant to be filled with malice and rage, but what was left of him was simply sorrow and melancholy. After giving his love a proper burial, he flew off into the distance.

Unlike angels, Alseis had to sustain himself as a demon by feeding on living souls. It was something he did not find any pleasure in, any more than he did taking lives away. But the hungrier he got, the more feral he became, as do all demons do when their lives are threatened. He would always try to get away with the bare minimum, and was thus in a constant state of weakness.

Unfortunately, it was several years later that he fell into a moment of weakness, and murdered an entire village. He fell to his knees with pure shame and immense sadness, and did not resist when the inquisition came and captured him.

However, the inquisition’s way of dealing with demons was to practically exorcise them into nothing using a holy ritual. And Alseis was a special case, you see. He was still part angel. Didn’t he fully turn into a demon all those years back? Not quite. That will be touched on later. But at that time, the priests did not know. Again and again they doused Alseis with all sorts of holy spells – and he suffered unbearable pain and torture at their hands for weeks. Puzzled, the priests sent for their Bishop who then decided the best way forward would be to physically extract the souls directly from Alseis and weaken him again, hopefully killing him them. So they forced open his bloodied mouth and shoved an extraction spell in. Because of the sheer number of souls consumed, the extraction took another few weeks and Alseis had to be pinned down with further spells from the sheer, agonising pain of having his life force forcefully torn from him.

Alseis was unaware how much time he’d spent in that room being put under the most gut-wrenching torture he’d ever experienced, but when the inquisition had finally extracted the last soul and found him still breathing, they settled by tossing him into a cell deep underground, chaining his wrists to the walls with more holy devices and leaving him there to die.

He did not die. In fact, he spent the next 20, maybe 50, maybe even 100 years down there in the cell, staring up into a dark ceiling. He imagined this must have been his punishment from all those years back by simply defying a single order from his boss. He hoped that at least, somewhere out there, the Avon were thriving and living peacefully as he had originally hoped they would.


Idea: Sylvester gets beat up by creator again

[Avon], a dying race of dragon people

  • characterised by horns and wings or tails, cat eyes, longer canines and claws, elf ears
  • Enter Sylvester, an Avon hailing from an Eastern tribe
  • He was captured and bought as a slave to fight in underground fighting rings
  • Fought there for years in hopes of earning himself freedom
  • One day he faces a particularly tough opponent – another Avon from a northern tribe.
  • Syl nearly gets killed – barely managing to win by a stroke of pure luck. He is gravely injured, one of his horns got broken off and got a deep scar running down his right eye.
  • He does not get proper treatment and his wounds do not heal – He is severely weakened in his future matches, nearly losing to those He would have easily beaten in the past
  • his master grows tired of him and abandons him – but does not release his slave collar
  • Syl picks himself up and tries to find treatment, but is turned away from every apothecary and healer due to discrimination of his race, and slight fear from his draconic features (the Avon usually live in seclusion or hiding)
  • he is penniless, cold, hungry and weak
  • he tries to steal from a stall – only to get caught by the owner who beats him up and kicks him to the ground. His wounds reopen and is left to bleed to death by the street
  • soon, he passes out, thinking it is the end for him
  • he is rescued by a wandering alchemist – Alseis. He treats his wounds and Syl wakes up a week later, in his residence.
  • finds out that he is situated above Alseis’s alchemy store. He tries to escape out the window (2nd floor), to find out that it is right by the sea. Just as he attempts to jump out of desperation, Alseis catches him
  • alseis assures him he means no harm and will let him go once he is fully recovered
  • Syl is still wary and highly suspicious – trust issues stemming from his years in the fighting rings and previous cruel masters
  • he decides to oblige – knowing that he can fight his way out once he has recovered enough.
  • over the next few days he observes the alchemist working at his shop – doing odd treatments for patients with unusual conditions and using complex bronze equipment to transmute herbs, minerals and metals into tinctures, potions and precious crystals used for all sorts. His main clientele are sorcerers.
  • Syl notices Alseis is very diligent and sincere in his work, despite his carefree demeanor. He sometimes says things Syl doesn’t quite get, and Syl often thinks he’s gone a little insane. He spent much of his life underground and so his general knowledge is quite lacking
  • Syl soon recovers quickly thanks to Alseis’s expert treatments, but finds himself not wanting to leave – he realises that he’s found comfort in that shop, and a weird sort of companionship with Alseis. He picks up bits and pieces of alchemy from Alseis and starts running errands for him to get himself more familiar with his surroundings.
  • Talk of an Avon alchemist assistant begins to circulate around the city and business starts to rapidly drop. Regular clients start looking elsewhere, and finances begin to tighten. Syl is aware that his presence has inconvenienced Alseis and feels horrible. He decides to leave – thanking Alseis for his hospitality and kindness, wishing him all the best.
  • Syl leaves town as he believed the only place that needed people like him were illegal businesses and he had no desire to be enslaved again – yet as he attempted to leave the city, his old collar started to burn on his neck, searing it and causing him great pain. Only when he turned back did the collar stop. He did not know it had such a function as he had never left the city before – but now he was chained to it until he found its owner or someone who could break it
  • from his knowledge, those collars were specially made by magical crafters and enchanted by sorcerers. In a way, they were similar to curses. Syl hoped that maybe Alseis would have a solution but when he returned to the shop, it was thrashed, with Alseis nowhere to be found.
  • panicking, Syl blamed himself and began to look for him. He found a note on the counter, written in a code only he and his previous employer knew – he had kidnapped Alseis in exchange for Syl.
  • Enraged, Syl returns his old employer’s hideout demanding for Alseis to be released – only to find out that it was a trick and Alseis was never kidnapped. Cursing his ignorance, he gets captured once more and is subjected to torture for daring to leave.
  • After spending weeks imprisoned in a crypt, his master drags him out and forces him to participate in fights again. The months of freedom and happiness at Alseis’s shop had soon turned into a fleeting memory once more as Syl wished he had never indulged in Alseis’s kindness.
  • weeks pass by in a blur as Syl returns to a mindless killing machine, fighting with more bloodlust than he previously had. He rakes up a fortune for his employer, who in turn starts treating Syl a little better – giving him his own room in his Manor, serving him delicious meals cooked by chefs and dressing him in the finest silks.
  • One day, a new Avon shows up – freshly caught from the “wild” to fight for the master. His name is Sebastian, an Avon hailing from a southern tribe. He has an eyepatch and has a sparkle of mischief in his remaining eye.
  • Seb tries to engage with Syl but is ignored and brushed aside. Syl cannot bear to see the light in Seb’s eye slowly dull as he gets subjected to the same cruelty as he did in the fights.
  • seb fights well – though not as well as syl. Seb is talkative and extroverted – reminding him painfully of Alseis. He learns that Seb used to be a pirate and was caught during a raid gone wrong. He was transferred from owner to owner before landing here. He understands the brutal nature of fighting rings as piracy was as much a dog eat dog world as the rings, since he grew up poor and impoverished as well.
  • due to Seb’s persistence, Syl slowly opens up. He is intrigued by Seb’s hopeful demeanor, finally relenting and asking what he thinks of their enslaved situation.
  • seb replies saying that he plans to escape, obviously, and has been hatching a plan for weeks.
  • syl is dumbfounded. They were bound by a cursed collar, and he knew firsthand the pain it caused should they attempt to leave. Seb however, claims he knows someone who could break it. Syl is doubtful and refuses to take part in the plan.
  • Seb promises to rescue him if he succeeds. But the plan goes wrong and Seb gets caught. He is subjected to torture and is thrown in the crypt without food and water for days. Syl visits him, to find Seb more determined than ever to try again. Seb claims the pain from the collar serves to motivate him to try harder next time. Syl is unable to understand where his Optimism comes from, and Seb teaches him that freedom must be earned for people like them.
  • seb plans another escape, and manages to convince Syl to help after a long talk in the crypt. On the day of the plan, Syl is drafted into a last minute match in the ring.
  • He finds out that it is a rematch against that same northern Avon. He was sure he had killed him, only to find out that his owner had changed- it was a necromancer in the crowd. Syl is shocked. The undead cannot be killed. The match had already been decided from the start. Looking back at his master, he just smiles back at him with glee. This time, Syl might not escape alive.
  • Syl gets absolutely pulverised. His blood is splattered over all four corners of the ring, face unrecognisable, a portion of his tail missing. That whole time, Syl’s mind wandered to Seb, wondering if he managed to escape.
  • Just as the finishing blow was about to be rendered, a loud voice resonates throughout the ring. Chains emerge from within the crowd and restrains the undead Avon. A cloaked figure hops into the ring and throws a smoke bomb, taking Syl with him and escaping.
  • Syl, half dead yet again, awakes to find himself hanging off the shoulder of the cloaked figure which soon reveals himself to be Seb! Seb assures him that they are reaching his hideout soon
  • syl passes out again. He awakens to a familiar face – Alseis. He finds out the shop was thrashed after Alseis had left to find Syl. He spent the next few weeks searching for him, and coincidentally bumped into Seb who successfully managed to escape thanks to Syl’s last minute match. They both return to save Syl just in time.
  • [to be continued]


Hello hello! Once again I present to you… another brainrot idea for my lil ocs which I love to beat up every now and then ❤ I know this looks incredibly cliche and anime but that’s how I like it :^) Enjoy!

I wrote this on my phone and in an inspired frenzy hence the point form lol


Recently, my roommate has been sneaking out in the middle of the night.

For some context, we live in a small apartment complex, with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and just enough space for a small dining table. We met at a social drinking event in our first year of university and sort of clicked, so we decided to split the cost for an apartment near our university in our second year so that we wouldn’t have to spend so much timing commuting to school from our homes.

It was a hassle-free arrangement. We were both guys with barely any belongings, we studied hard, partied hard, took turns doing the dishes and such. We weren’t really the type to bring girls home, and sometimes we played video games together on the small TV in my room. To call us ‘friends’ felt a bit much, but we definitely weren’t strangers either. We minded our own business and engaged in polite small talk from time to time.

We were content living like this.

Until recently, he began to sneak out at night. He would specifically wait until I’d fallen asleep, and then slowly and silently slither his way out the front door, returning before the sun could even peek through the blinds of my room. How I found out was because he started to ask me what time I planned to go to bed every night. He made the excuse of saying that he needed to cram in extra studying hours at night because he was falling behind in class, and so he just wanted to know what time I’d go to bed so he’d know to keep quiet.

But he asked every, single night.

“Seb, what time are you knocking out tonight?”

“Hey Seb, midnight as usual?”

“Same time tonight Seb?”

He would try to say it in the most casual way possible and I never really noticed because I’d be exhausted from school every day and just mumble a reply before retiring to my room. Until recently of course, when my coursework had sort of calmed down and exam season was over, did I realise that this was not normal.

So I noticed him sneaking out every night, looking shifty-eyed and a little panicky, as if he were going out to do something illegal.

I’d like to believe that we were good law-abiding citizens. We never caused any trouble for anyone but ourselves. We were just two dudes trying to get through university. Of course this piqued my interest. We always minded each others’ business and never tried to poke our noses where they weren’t needed, but this was highly suspicious.

A month after the midnight outings started, I decided to follow him. My guilty conscience was tugging inside me, telling me to mind my own business, to just let him be. But how could I? He may be just a guy I was living with, but he was still my roommate. I deserved to know whatever shady business he was up to if one day the police showed up at the apartment and labelled me an accomplice for something I had absolutely no knowledge of.

So I waited a bit after he left that night, before leaving as well and following behind at a safe distance. He was wearing a dark hoodie and jeans with the hood pulled up. He never pulled up his hood during the day.

I followed him until we reached the neighbourhood clinic. He then disappeared into an alleyway beside the clinic. That alleyway was completely shrouded in darkness – I couldn’t trust myself to follow him in there without knowing where I was going so I was forced to wait round the corner of the clinic instead. After what felt like ages, he emerged from that alleyway, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. This time, that skittish energy I felt in him had completely gone, and he looked so relaxed, like he’d just gone for some kind of miracle massage session. He then walked-no- sauntered back to our apartment, and went straight to bed.

Now I wondered what the hell he had done or seen in that suspiciously dark alleyway that had gotten him so relaxed and happy. It had to be drugs. What else could give a person this much instant gratification? He’d even emerged wiping his mouth, so that had to be it. The question was- do I confront him? Drugs was not exactly uncommon at university. People did it at every house party they went to. The addiction was another thing- personally I had never known someone to get really addicted to them, and I never bothered to associate myself with those who were. I had assumed he was the same.

For the next few nights, I continued to observe him. He went to that exact same alleyway in a somewhat fidgety state, and seemingly emerged like he was born anew every time. Every part of this screamed drug addict. As his roommate, I felt like I was obliged to start becoming concerned about this.

“Hey Theo,”

Theo looked up from the book he was reading. “What’s up Seb?”

I blinked, before realising that he was wearing spectacles. I thought Theo had perfect vision. So I diverted.

“Since when did you start wearing specs?”

“Oh,” he chuckled dryly. “Yeah, I’ve really been struggling recently. Second year is no joke.”

“Right,” I replied, silently acknowledging the fact that he wasn’t wrong. His grades were plummeting recently. Maybe the drugs were a sort of coping mechanism.

“You doing good? Giving yourself enough breaks?” I quickly added after- “I realised myself that frequent short breaks really helps.”

“Ah,” he rubbed his neck. “Yeah… maybe you’re right. Breaks are good.”

Then there was a tense moment of silence as I wasn’t too sure how to continue.

“Hey, tell you what- instead of the midnight cramming tonight, let’s go grab some drinks. It’s Friday. Splurge a little.”

With that, he twitched ever so slightly before recovering- but I caught it.

“I’m not so sure man,” he said, pretending to check the time on his watch. “I’d have a guilty conscience if I drank now, especially since I haven’t been doing so great grades-wise.”

“There is nothing wrong with giving yourself a break- you yourself admitted it! Come on. Just for tonight. Then you can go back to your never-ending midnight cramming.”

He did not even give himself time to consider. “Sorry bro. Another time.”

I shrugged. I wasn’t a pushy type, and I did not plan to start making him suspicious of me.

I decided to pay the alleyway a visit myself- before he left. I would bring a torch, a knife for self defense, and a phone with the police on quick dial.

That night, I told Theo I’d gone to grab some midnight snacks from the nearby convenience store and left. When I reached the alleyway, I turned on my torch, gulped, and entered.

The alleyway wasn’t so dark such that I wouldn’t be able to see my hands in front of me, so I was still somewhat aware of what was around me when I entered, torch in one hand and phone in the other. It was just like any other alleyway- lined with bins and leaky pipes. Despite all that, I tripped on piece of garbage on the ground and scraped my knee. I’d always been a little clumsy, which made me wonder how I managed to trail Theo all these nights without injuring myself at some point.

Suddenly, a man emerged from behind a bin. He looked to be in his mid twenties, with a beard stubble and a mess of curly, black hair. He had a beard stubble and wore a white lab coat.

“I suspected as much,” he said as he took the cigarette he was smoking out his mouth and flicked it away.

“Who are you?” I demanded, my phone raised with the police just a button away.

“Who are you?” he countered, raising an eyebrow. “This is my clinic. It runs 24/7. Are you in need of some treatment?”

I blinked. Of course. The lab coat. Wait, so was Theo secretly sick? I’d come this far. I might as well go ahead with it.

“Do you know who Theophilus Chang is?”

“Theo? He’s one of my regulars. You his boyfriend or something?” The doctor produced another pack of cigarettes from within his coat and lit one.

“No! I’m just- I’m his roommate. A rather concerned roommate.”

“Hm,” he nodded as he took a puff. “Understandable I suppose. Theo’s been telling me he’s falling behind in school. Don’t blame him. He picked a pretty tough course.”

“Right. So is there a reason he’s been seeing you here in this alley instead of inside your clinic at this time of the night or is he a vampire?” I joked.

The doctor froze.

“How did you know?”

“Know what?”

“He-,” the doctor stopped himself. “I mean, know that he was coming to see me at this time every night?”

I noticed his shoulders tense up before relaxing again.

“I don’t want to sound like a stalker because I really am not,” I started- “but I’d like to think that we are friends, and that if he was involving himself in something dangerous, I would like to help him out.”

“Of course,” the doctor said. “I totally understand. You have nothing to worry about. I’m sorry I can’t reveal anything to you, patient’s confidentiality and all that, but I assure you that I too am helping him.”

“Okay, but at least tell me why it has to be at this time of the night in such a suspicious location?”

“Theo prefers it this way. He says he didn’t want to bother you, which is completely understandable.”

“That does not answer the alleyway.” I pushed. The doctor was clearly defecting. I study psychology and I could tell this doctor had been bullshitting his way through the moment I entered the alleyway.

“Sometimes we have a smoke together.”

“He does not smoke.”

“Maybe out of consideration for you?”

“He has made it abundantly clear that he despises smokers.”

“Have it ever crossed your mind that maybe he is lying to you?”

“About smoking? Or the fact that he is simply not seeing you due to his stress?”

“What is your problem?”

“Listen. I don’t know what kind of doctor you are to be seeing your patients in such circumstances, but no doctor I know does such a thing. And if Theo is unaware of that, I will make sure he is.”

With that, I turned and stormed off.

“I wouldn’t advise you to do that.” The doctor called after me, but I pretended not to hear him. He had an ominous change of tone in his voice, which did not sit well with me. As I walked back home, I spotted Theo walking towards me.

Shit, I forgot that he took this route every night.

Theo froze on the spot.

“Seb, what are you doing- why are you here? I thought you went to the- the-,” he paused and licked his lips. “The store.”

He looked bad tonight. In fact, he looked exactly like a drug addict suffering from withdrawals. Which didn’t make sense- if he had been going out every night, surely he wouldn’t be suffering from withdrawals?

He wasn’t wearing his glasses his time, and his hood cast a shadow over his eyes, but I could see them shaking. They were flicking back and forth between my eyes and my legs. On my scrape. His arms were wrapped around each other and he was shivering, despite it being not that cold tonight.

“Hey, Theo, you good?” I took a step towards him but he backed away.

“Sorry, please don’t follow me,” he hurriedly said as he tried to walk past me but I caught his arm. He flinched so hard, I immediately released my grip, almost as if I had electrocuted him. But just a few steps later, he collapsed against the wall of an estate and I hurried to steady him.

His arms were icy cold, and he was breathing hard. “Stop, go away. Stay away from me,” he gasped as he tried to weakly push me away.

“What’s going on? What wrong with you?” I said, panic swelling in my chest. “I’ll call the hospital-“

“No!” he suddenly yelled as he grabbed both my arms so tightly they hurt. “Don’t. They cannot find out.”

“Find out what?”

Completely ignoring my question, he continued – “Get out of here. Now. Hurry. Before – before I -,”

Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. How could I? My suspicions of drug withdrawals were ringing alarm bells in my head. I thought it was serious. But not serious enough, apparently, as he parted his lips, and lunged for my throat.

Searing hot pain erupted from my neck as I was pinned to the ground by Theo. His hood had flown off and all I could see was the dark, night sky behind him, dotted with stars. Just like any other night. Paralysed from shock, I could not move as I felt him drain the blood from my neck.


I probably wrote this like ages ago and forgot to continue lol so I’m just gonna publish it anyway because it’s obvious where this is going lmao

The Storm Pirate

They bring me into the Captain’s quarters and I see him lounging behind a large desk strewn with maps and parchment and ink. He’s resting his boots on the table, playing with the feather accessory dangling from his dirty white, messy hair.

He’s got two long, curved horns protruding out his head, an eyepatch over his left eye. He wears this permanent smile on his face, and he is eyeing me intensely, and I try to figure out what is going on in his head. The smile gives nothing away.

He wears a typical pirate coat, a white ruffled blouse underneath with one too many buttons undone to reveal a pale white chest. I try not to linger too long on his assets- only to notice that just underneath the buttoned area, a large scar slightly protrudes out.

I spot a long, scaly tail trailing behind his chair. He looks mysterious, alluring, charismatic- everything a typical pirate captain would be. He is beautiful. I cannot take my eyes off him. I know that I have fallen into his trap and am powerless to flee. I desperately wrangle my bonds anyway, refusing to succumb. But if I do manage to flee, jump off the ship and into the ocean below – what then? Be at mercy of the sea monsters and the elements?

He puts his boots down and says, “look what we have here.”

I am taken aback by his accent. The entire crew speaks with a typical seaman slang and a clear accent to their words- but his come out crisp and clear, as if he’d been brought up with a noble’s education. There is certainly more than meets this eye to this Captain, and I am no longer surprised. I have read enough books to know where this might go.

“What’s your name, little shrimp?” He looks at me the way a predator eyes its prey. I match his gaze in an attempt to look defiant. I am not so sure how well that works out- he is not wrong- I am rather small for my age.

“Severin,” I reply, slightly shocking myself at the crack in my voice. I am more intimidated than I realise.

“Severin,” he repeats as he gets up from his seat and walks over to the front of the desk and leans back on it, folding his arms. The tail finally comes to full view and I can see that it is white just like his hair, its scales reflecting a beautiful iridescent sheen. The end of his tail is shaped somewhat like a fluffy cloud, and it strangely makes me want to touch it. He catches me staring, and to my surprise, he quickly hides it under his long coat.

“You’ve been caught stealing from our stores. And not your first time either, as I’ve heard.”

I do not reply. I am hoping that my stubbornness might unnerve him, giving me an opportunity for escape- or for a chance to find a weakness in this man-dragon. I have heard tales of sea dragons fiercely guarding their waters, thrashing vessels and causing mini tsunamis which could engulf an entire military vessel in a single swoop. But his man-dragon looks neither sea dragon, neither man. For one, sea dragons should have fins on their tails to help them swim- but instead his tail says otherwise. In fact, I suspect that he does not belong at sea at all.

“Nothing to say? No grovelling? Begging for mercy? No?” He then bends down to take a closer look at me. He gets so close I smell the saltiness of the sea from him. I also catch a light, fresh scent from his coat. Reminds me of myrtles.

He seems disappointed as he pulls away from me, sighing dramatically. I can tell he is more used to noisy and desperate prisoners. My tactic is working after all.

“So you’re one of those- ‘you’ll never get me to speak on my life!’ – kind of thief, are you?” he playfully mimics the line in a low, gravelly voice. I can hear his various accessories clinking against each other as he moves. He is rich. I stare back at him.

“Fine, fine. You want me to hurry up and throw you on the plank, right? Is that it? Well I’m afraid to disappoint you little shrimp, but I do not throw low life thieves like you off the plank this easily. You will have to earn your right to the plank.” As he says his, his sneers.

At this moment, I scowl. He sees this, and his tail gives a satisfactory swoosh from under his coat before he tucks it back in. “There is lots of work to be done on board. Work hard, and you might just earn your freedom.” He waves his hand, and I am hauled back up to my feet and pushed out of his office. I look back just as the doors close, and for a split second, I see the smile on his face completely gone.


A short little intro paragraph to one of my newer OCs, Sebastian the pirate! Honestly the name is still TBC lol. He is a storm dragon, and ya’ll can see his full character sheet/details in my previous OC post. I came up with all this while taking a shit on the toilet.

Also Severin as you’ve realised is a placeholder name for me lol. I really like the name but I don’t have any specific OC (yet) with it so that will have to do for now. Also were ya’ll shocked that the protag was a guy?!?!?! Honestly I was so tempted to stick to a female protag but well, straight romances are not my kinda thing! lol! Yeah I’m aware it sounds like a female voice lol but if you think about it, how different are male/female voices anyway. If it isn’t revealed to you you’ll realise they’re all the same!!

Well I’ve recently been reading Holly Black’s Stolen Heir so as you can see I am influenced to write in present tense even though I very rarely write in present tense. Though the more the read/write in present tense, the more I prefer it to past tense. What do you guys prefer? 😀

Original Character sheets

HELLO! Something a little different today. So I’ve been cooking these last few days (weeks?) and I’ve basically revamped and refined some old OCs as well as made some new ones in a new world. A lotta things are subject to change because I still am a very fickle creator and I will edit some features and details to suit the narrative/world if need be, but the basic qualities should all remain the same!

As you all may or may not know, I fucking love dragons. And what better way to express that than create hot dragon boys? Haha. Nah there’s only 2. At the moment, we’ve got 2 dragon boys, an immortal alchemist (primarily ‘human’ ;)) and a fox boy which is still under development but honestly the me of like, 10 years ago would know exactly who this fox oc was anyway LOL. Anyway this is a sort of WIP post so I will be editing and adding to this post with new characters and designs as well go along!

So without further ado, here’s my first (and all time favourite) OC of all time:

Sylvester <Rivera>

Attributes: Long, green hair, yellow eyes, dragon claws, sharp canines, scar under right eye. Simple, long horns. Red eye shadow.

Age: Young by a dragon’s standards (slightly below 100)

Species: Water dragon. Endangered.

Character: A dragon of few words. Speaks with deadpan face, or with minimal emotion. Can be apathetic, but show bits of empathy when required. The silent, caring type. Smokes a lot.

Clothing: Traditional chinese hanfu robes (tail peeking out from under the robes hehe)

Accessories: Long smoking pipe with hanging jade tassel. Horn ring hanging on his right horn which belonged to his mother.

Colours: Turquoise, sea green, ocean blue.

Home: Any body of water. Prefers lakes. Eastern.

Story: Spent much of his childhood in a poacher’s facility with his older sister and mother. Father died before he was born. Shortly after their mother died, the siblings planned to escape, but were caught. His sister sacrificed herself for him to escape, and he last saw her being caught in a net and dragged away. Spent the next few days injured and wandering the forest when he collapsed by a small river, where a wandering alchemist, Alseis, found and rescued him. Alseis decided to take him in and teach him alchemy, as well as help him man a shady shop in a shady alley in this big city. He picked up his smoking habit from Alseis and looked up to him as a master/teacher. Despite his childhood filled with despair at the poacher’s facility, he used to be a lively, bright and optimistic kid. The experience obviously changed him drastically the moment he lost his sister, his last family, and did a complete 180. Likely blames himself for her death.

Note: Here is the revamped version of Sylvester! In his old design, he was a western dragon, but still kept the water element. The character is pretty much the same.


Attributes: Fluffy, white hair. Black undertones. Tiny ponytail. Red eyes with unique iris pattern. Tattoo (subject to change). Shark teeth. Pale. Long eyelashes, slightly feminine face. Eyebags.

Age: Unknown. (But very, very old.)

Species: “Human”

Character: He’s a complex guy. A slightly unhinged and disturbed individual. He appears simple and easy to read on the surface, but no one knows what he’s thinking. A little sadistic. Loves rock candy and drawing. Smokes a lot. Is shrouded in mystery, sometimes unnerves Sylvester as he believes that under that cheerful, crazy exterior, he harbours some sort of unknown darkness within his heart.

Clothing: Western, fantastical sort of clothing. Wears loads of accessories, and loves scarves with colourful patterns.

Accessories: Long smoking pipe with jewelled tassel. Round spectacles. Black painted nails. Rings, several necklaces, bracelets, multiple ear piercings. Whenever he walks you can hear the clinks of his accessories.

Colours: White, maroon, red, black.

Home: A snowy mountain range in the far west, but tends to wander around a lot. Think, El Nath from Maplestory lol.

Story: Alseis is actually an artificial human created through alchemy by his master. His heart is a type of rock torn from an elemental creature which resided deep within that snowy mountain range. He was his master’s Magnum Opus and she treated him like a son, as she managed to imbue him with emotions which all her previous creations failed to do. She taught him everything she knew, and he grew to become a genius alchemist just like his master. The day she felt that she had nothing left to teach him, she left him. When asked if he would ever see her again, she replies: Definitely. This leads Alseis to believe that she left him with something to do, though he never figured out what, thus his wandering for the next few centuries. Sometime in the near future, he opens a shady alchemy shop selling illegal remedies to whoever is willing to pay. The shop is hidden away in a little narrow alley. Upon entering, the shop is shrouded in smoke (from his pipe) and is musty, smells of dried herbs and all sorts. Lined with shelves and drawers of potions, herbs, strange parts, as well as forbidden books for alchemy. Gold and silver machinery litter the corners. There are no windows at all and is dimly lit. Behind the counter is the lab where Alseis creates his remedies and experiments, and narrow steps leading to the second floor where he lives. It is a long, narrow room with huge windows on one side, covered in crawling plants. The other side is shelves of even more books, and below the windows is a long table littered with notes, his drawings, materials and stationery and devices sprawled everywhere. It is a mess. There is another small spiraling staircase leading to an attic/storeroom, where Sylvester sleeps.

Notes: Alseis is an interesting case. In his old version, he used to be a vengeful, hateful fallen angel. Typical villain type. But I wanted a more ‘colourful’ and unhinged character, and recently I’d been balls deep in the alchemy trope so I merged him with another alchemist character I did for my final year uni assignment (lol) and created this. With his pupil shape, it’s not very clear in the pic but think Enma from Katekyo hitman reborn HAHAHA. I wanted him to look as unique as possible, and he never appears in the exact same outift. Now that I think about it, I’d like to think he’s sort of like a merging between Grell and the Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji. You can tell the anime I watch heavily influences my character designs, to an almost rip-off but I swear it’s all unintentional okay!!!


Attributes: Medium length silvery hair, silver/white eyes. Dark blue undertones on his hair, and dark blue highlight. The highlight has ‘galaxy’ qualities in it, iykyk :^) Star tattoos under his eyes. Freckles. Fringe is quite long, almost covering his eyes entirely. Dragon claws, sharp canines. Has 2 types of horns on both sides.

Age: 13

Species: Lunar dragon. Rare. They can only be born as twins, and between 2 dragons of different species. Very shy breed, always living in seclusion of hiding themselves.

Character: Is mature for his age, but will still display tendencies of immaturity at times. Soft spoken, shy, slightly anxious and has self confidence issues. But when he puts his mind to it (or when encouraged by Syl, which is rare), he can absolutely wreck shit, to the point where he overdoes it and Syl has to put a stop to it. Absolutely admires Sylvester.

Clothing: Traditional chinese hanfu similar to Syl.

Accessories: Horn ring

Colours: Silver, dark blue, white, black

Home: Unknown

Story: Ren was born in a poaching facility with his twin sister, Rin. The poachers were absolutely delighted that a pair of extremely rare dragons had been bred in their facility, and had plans to make use and harvest their parts when they got older. This caused their mother extreme anxiety and paranoia which drove her into madness. Ren was 7 when he first heard his mother muttering to herself about a joint suicide, that she will kill the twins and then herself. He was terrified, but Rin on the other hand had taken their mother’s side. She believed that their mother knew best, she was always right, and that death might truly bring them freedom as their mother had brought them up to believe. But Ren could never understand, which estranged him from them slightly. Despite that, he still believed that his mother loved them dearly and would not go ahead with the suicide. But the day came, and he witnessed his mother slit Rin’s neck right in front of him. It mentally shocked him so much that he completely lost control of himself and briefly blacked out. When he next came to, he found himself surrounded by the collapsed remains of the poaching facility. The entire place had completely crumbled, and there was not a single body around- only the blood of his sister which stained the floor. He spent the next few days wandering around before he reached a small town and started hearing rumours about a giant black hole which appeared in the distance, sucking everything in its immediate vicinity up. Upon further investigation, he found out that the black hole had indeed appeared right above his poaching facility, which sucked every single thing inside. And that was when he found out that he was the one who did it. Traumatised, he vowed never to use his powers again and wandered around aimlessly until he was found by Sylvester’s sister and her then-general (whose names I have yet to determine lol). He sort of lost his direction in life which often led to him getting taken advantage of in many ways because of his gentle nature. Until Syl found him of course, which was when he decided to pick up alchemy to follow in his footsteps.

Notes: He’s got fairly complex horns which I researched hard on, so I’m really proud of them lol. Lunar dragons have powers which mainly control gravity, hence being able to create mini black holes, and also teleportation! They’re able to sort of ‘rip’ into space, allowing them to travel between places in a much shorter time, but also into all sorts of dimensions and worlds that humans would most definitely not wanna involve themselves in ;)) If a Lunar dragon were to mate with another, the element of their child would be of a random element. Ren wields a scythe, most commonly used by other Lunar dragons, with a chain attached to it. He can also summon chains from space portals (think Enkidu from FGO lol) which does very well for subjugating targets. His fighting style is sort of deathly beautiful where he spins and flies into the air to slice you to bits within seconds 😀 He managed to reveal his dragon form at age 13, which is younger than usual, but has a fear of using it because of the amount of power and responsibility that comes with going into dragon form, due to what happened when he lost control as a kid at the poaching facility.

Sebastian <Livarro>

Attributes: White hair. Messy, uncontrollable, seems like its eternally being blown in the wind which somehow makes him look sexier every time. He has heterochromia- one side sky blue and the other side turquoise. Long, curved horns. Beauty mark. Dragon claws, sharp canines. The end of his tail kinda looks like a cloud.

Age: 200+

Species: Air/sky dragon. Common.

Character: Sebastian is a bit of a playboy so his lovely chest is bare for all to admire! He can be lazy at times, but also easygoing and always seems to drift along wherever the wind takes him. He values his freedom the most and hates tight enclosed spaces. Complains a lot. Loves eating spicy food (especially mapo tofu)

Clothing: Typical pirate clothing- frilly white blouse that always has several top buttons undone, a pirate coat, boots with dangly feathery bits. Can be seen wearing a big, flamboyant pirate hat sometimes.

Accessories: Eyepatch over his right eye, has a feather hair accessory which acts as a hair tie for a short braid running down the side. Big dangly hoop earrings. Wears several rings and maybe a jade pendant necklace.

Colours: Light purple, grey, ash, gold.

Home: Air dragon tribe on a floating island in the clouds.

Story: Air dragons are a matriarchal society. When males become of age (basically when they reveal their dragon form), they are then thrown off the island to fend for themselves and are forbidden to return unless they wish to mate. Sebastian was particularly young when he revealed his dragon form- he was only 9. He has maybe 5 or 6 older sisters, and everyone, his mother included, was so proud of him and ready to send him off, except his eldest sister. She believed him still too young to fend for himself and pleaded with the Chieftess to extend his stay. As a result, she offended the Chieftess and banished her as well. Only a few days later, Sebastian was thrown off the island. He roamed about for the next few weeks attempting to find his sister, only to get captured by poachers and thrown into a facility. There, he found out that his sister had also been captured earlier, and taxidermised as he recognised her head hanging above the fireplace of the chief poacher. Completely stripped and devoid of hope, he spent the next few years under captivity in the poacher’s facility. There, he meets an ancient air dragon who had been imprisoned at the facility for decades. He questions her and says she too had been banished from her tribe a century ago for falling in love with a human. The poachers kept her alive when they caught her because she had a special trait that only a select few air dragons in the world had- the ability to breathe poison. Dragon poison is extremely potent to humans, making them diseased, hallucinate, lose blood, etc. He bonds with this elderly dragon because she knew his sister before she was killed as she had apparently tried to launch an escape attempt but failed. Sebastian is 16 when he finds out that he too had the gift of breathing poison. Back then he had completely lost all hope and motivation for reclaiming his freedom and was a husk of who he was as a free-spirited child, but it had slowly been rekindled by the elderly dragon, and soon he began to pick himself up again thanks to her and launched his own escape attempt. It succeeded, but at a cost. He lost control of his own poison and the elderly dragon sacrificed herself to stop him from getting consumed by his own poison. She left behind her own feather, which he kept dearly to himself and turned it into his hair accessory. Soon after, he joins a group of sky pirates formed by other male air dragons and spends the next few decades of his life raiding human airships, engaging in debauchery, revelry and all sorts of drinking and merrymaking. That part of his life was the freedom he had sought, and the best time of his life. Until one day, his crew raids an airship carrying a certain fire dragon… as a result, the rest of his crew and their ship get burned into a crisp, and Sebastian is captured after the fire dragon finds out he can breathe dragon poison, and soon after, his eye gets ripped out of him for mysterious reasons and he is forced into submission by that fire dragon for the next few decades…

Notes: Sebastian! He’s a really new guy but I cooked long and hard for this one and now I absolutely love him. I wanted to make his past really tragic and fucked up! I was thinking of giving him a pirate’s cutlass, but I also wanted to give him a good old traditional chinese jian sword… MAYBE BOTH. He can also whip up giant hurricanes that can trash entire countries and can also slice mountains into two! He is the only dragon species that can fly in his human form. He’s got pretty much every single stereotypical ‘wind’ type characteristic.



Just as the picture was taken, I felt a pair of lips press against mine in what felt like a fierce, confident kiss. No sooner than I had realised what happened, they parted and he took off back into the party crowd, the music continuing to blare loudly as ever.

I stood there, drink still in my hand, attempting to process the fact that my best friend had just kissed me. I looked at my gin and tonic. It had fizzed out a long while ago, with not much left in the cup. I wondered how many drinks I’ve had. It couldn’t be that many.

“Hey, Theo- wait!” I called out to him as I waded through the crowd. I spotted Jack sat at the sofa and approached him carefully. I remembered that he was Theo’s archery captain who was a little intimidating at times.

“Hey Jack, have you seen Theo anywhere?”

Jack looked grumpier than usual and was chugging a beer. “I saw him hurry out the house just seconds ago.” he paused. “What did you do to him?”

“I don’t… know.” I looked down at my drink again, aware of those piercing eyes glaring back at me. “Thank you, though.”

I rushed out the house into the park right across the road. Just then I could see a lone figure walking beside the pond. As I ran up to him, I began to slow down, wondering what exactly I was going to say to him. I had yet to even process what he did, and here I was, chasing after him in a deserted park way past midnight. There were several uncertainties bundled up in my chest, and I was afraid that the moment I opened my mouth, they would all come tumbling out like a spool of thread. I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, or the fatigue from the past few days of exams, or my sister’s condition. It all seemed to link together in the worst possible time.

But the thought of him walking further than my arms could reach him brought me back to a place I swore I’d never return to again. The light headedness and the feeling that my chest was dropping down an endless abyss. It could not happen again. I would not let it.

I steeled myself and headed straight for Theo. “Hey!” I called.

He looked up, and a look of fear crossed his face. He backed away a few steps, making me wonder what was so terrifying about me charging towards him. But I had started and could not stop.

I stopped within a hair’s breath of him.


“Why’d you run off like that?”


“You heard me. You can’t just leave when things get difficult, you know.”

“… I’m sorry.”

He looked away. “I know that you’ll never look at me the way I do at you. So I thought, just for tonight. You could let me have this. Just this one time. And then we could forget it ever happened at all.”

“What makes you think I would ever forget a single memory spent with you?” I said, barely whispering. I was aware of the tremble in my voice.

The entire time his eyes had been avoiding mine, yet finally they came up to meet mine, unflinchingly.

“I…” he started, but I cut him off.

“You always said to me- if something is within reach. Go for it. Don’t look back.”

My heart was pounding. I had no idea what I was saying. My words were jumbling together in my mind like a pot of soup. I wasn’t even sure what I was going to do.

“Because,” I continued- “the last time I let go of something, it was too late.”

Perhaps it was that memory I blocked out all those years ago, or the familiar dropping feeling of my chest, I couldn’t tell anymore- I took Theos face in my arms and kissed him back. The shock caused his legs to buckle and we fell into the grass.

Only then did I open my eyes and released his face did I see him, confused yet smiling, his long black hair strewn all over the moist grass which had barely dried from the showers this afternoon. By then he had the back of his hand covering his lips, the look of his eyes wild and bright.

“People will see us,” he whispered.

“I don’t care.”

I hugged him tightly this time. The warmth from his body seemed to seep into me, making never want to let go. I took in everything- his scent, the muscles on his back, the alcohol from his breath, everything.

For the first time in a long, long time, I felt at ease.


Ah yes, another day of writing a prose piece from 2 seconds of a dream I had last night lol. Literally nothing new about it, just another gay fic lmao